Laser MegaJoule (LMJ) is a high energy laser facility designed for fusion experiments. To track final optics damage, laser damage monitoring is carried out using images acquired by a camera. To prepare for the LMJ full energy/power operation, the damage models based on the phenomenological laws established in the laboratories are validated by experimental campaigns dedicated to performance. The very high quality of LMJ optics surfaces makes damage highly unlikely. In order to take the greater benefit of these performance campaigns, carried out on a reduced number of laser shots and components, a matrix of nearly 1000 damage sites is initiated offline on one optics. Precisely measured on a metrology bench before and after the campaign, this component was on LMJ facility during a performance campaign at the end of 2021. Very useful for the calibration of the LMJ monitoring camera, it also provided data to set LMJ laser damage models at higher energy level.