11 August 1987 Neurocomputer Nearest Matched Filter Classification Of Spatiotemporal Patterns
Robert Hecht-Nielsen
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Proceedings Volume 0752, Digital Optical Computing; (1987)
Event: OE LASE'87 and EO Imaging Symposium, 1987, Los Angeles, CA, United States
Recent advances in massively parallel optical and electronic neural network processing technology have made it plausible to consider the use of matched filter banks containing large numbers of individual filters as pattern classifiers for complex spatiotemporal pattern environments such as speech, sonar, radar, and advanced communications. This paper begins with all overview of how neural networks can be used to approximately implement such multidimensional matched filter banks. The "nearest matched filter" classifier is then formally defined. It is then noted that, given a statistically comprehensive set of filter templates, the nearest matched filter classifier will have near-Bayesian performance for spatiotemporal patterns. The combination of near-Bayesian classifier performance with the excellent performance of matched filtering in noise yields a powerful new classification technique. This adds additional interest to Grossberg's hypothesis that the mammalian cerebral cortex carries out local-in-time nearest matched filter classification of both auditory and visual sensory inputs as an initial step in sensory pattern recognition - which may help explain the almost instantaneous pattern recognition capabilities of animals.
© (1987) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Robert Hecht-Nielsen "Neurocomputer Nearest Matched Filter Classification Of Spatiotemporal Patterns", Proc. SPIE 0752, Digital Optical Computing, (11 August 1987); Logo
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Neural networks

Optical filters

Optical computing


Pattern recognition

Signal processing

Image classification

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