21 March 1989 Review On Applications Of Neural Network To Computer Vision
Wei Li, Nasser M. Nasrabadi
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Proceedings Volume 1004, Automated Inspection and High-Speed Vision Architectures II; (1989)
Event: 1988 Cambridge Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Robotics Systems, 1988, Boston, MA, United States
Neural network models have many potential applications to computer vision due to their parallel structures, learnability, implicit representation of domain knowledge, fault tolerance, and ability of handling statistical data. This paper demonstrates the basic principles, typical models and their applications in this field. Variety of neural models, such as associative memory, multilayer back-propagation perceptron, self-stabilized adaptive resonance network, hierarchical structured neocognitron, high order correlator, network with gating control and other models, can be applied to visual signal recognition, reinforcement, recall, stereo vision, motion, object tracking and other vision processes. Most of the algorithms have been simulated on com-puters. Some have been implemented with special hardware. Some systems use features, such as edges and profiles, of images as the data form for input. Other systems use raw data as input signals to the networks. We will present some novel ideas contained in these approaches and provide a comparison of these methods. Some unsolved problems are mentioned, such as extracting the intrinsic properties of the input information, integrating those low level functions to a high-level cognitive system, achieving invariances and other problems. Perspectives of applications of some human vision models and neural network models are analyzed.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Wei Li and Nasser M. Nasrabadi "Review On Applications Of Neural Network To Computer Vision", Proc. SPIE 1004, Automated Inspection and High-Speed Vision Architectures II, (21 March 1989); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Neural networks

Visual process modeling

Systems modeling

Machine vision

Computer vision technology

Image segmentation



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