Clear visualization of hyper-echoic targets such as bone surfaces in ultrasound imaging is desirable for accurate
registration of ultrasound to other imaging modalities or statistical models. Challenges such as strong reverberation,
off-axis reflections and speed-of-sound variation reduce the contrast and resolution of the targets. In
this paper, we propose a phase-factor based beamforming method which applies the Hilbert transform on delay
compensated channel data across the receive aperture. The accumulated phase is then calculated and utilized as
the weight in the beamforming output. Using this method, the reverberation artifact of a point target is reduced
about 9 dB compared with other beamforming methods such as delay and sum, Wiener, minimum variance and
coherent-factor based beamforming in a point target phantom study. The resolution and contrast of hyper-echoic
targets are also improved in a vertebrae phantom study.