1 March 2017 Content-based histopathological image retrieval for whole slide image database using binary codes
Yushan Zheng, Zhiguo Jiang, Yibing Ma, Haopeng Zhang, Fengying Xie, Huaqiang Shi, Yu Zhao
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Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) has been widely researched for medical images. In application of histo- pathological images, there are two issues that need to be carefully considered. The one is that the digital slide is stored in a spatially continuous image with a size of more than 10K x 10K pixels. The other is that the size of query image varies in a large range according to different diagnostic conditions. It is a challenging work to retrieve the eligible regions for the query image from the database that consists of whole slide images (WSIs). In this paper, we proposed a CBIR framework for the WSI database and size-scalable query images. Each WSI in the database is encoded and stored in a matrix of binary codes. When retrieving, the query image is first encoded into a set of binary codes and analyzed to pre-choose a set of regions from database using hashing method. Then a multi-binary-code-based similarity measurement based on hamming distance is designed to rank proposal regions. Finally, the top relevant regions and their locations in the WSIs along with the diagnostic information are returned to assist pathologists in diagnoses. The effectiveness of the proposed framework is evaluated in a fine-annotated WSIs database of epithelial breast tumors. The experimental results show that proposed framework is both effective and efficiency for content-based whole slide image retrieval.
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Yushan Zheng, Zhiguo Jiang, Yibing Ma, Haopeng Zhang, Fengying Xie, Huaqiang Shi, and Yu Zhao "Content-based histopathological image retrieval for whole slide image database using binary codes", Proc. SPIE 10140, Medical Imaging 2017: Digital Pathology, 1014013 (1 March 2017); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Binary data

Image retrieval


Image compression

Medical imaging


Feature extraction


Transform coding of image feature descriptors
Proceedings of SPIE (January 19 2009)
Image retrieval by estimating parameters of distance measure
Proceedings of SPIE (December 23 1999)
Compressing a set of CHoG features
Proceedings of SPIE (September 24 2011)
Segmentation-based CT image compression
Proceedings of SPIE (April 19 2004)

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