5 October 2017 An object detection and tracking system for unmanned surface vehicles
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Proceedings Volume 10432, Target and Background Signatures III; 104320R (2017)
Event: SPIE Security + Defence, 2017, Warsaw, Poland
Object detection and tracking are critical parts of unmanned surface vehicles(USV) to achieve automatic obstacle avoidance. Off-the-shelf object detection methods have achieved impressive accuracy in public datasets, though they still meet bottlenecks in practice, such as high time consumption and low detection quality. In this paper, we propose a novel system for USV, which is able to locate the object more accurately while being fast and stable simultaneously. Firstly, we employ Faster R-CNN to acquire several initial raw bounding boxes. Secondly, the image is segmented to a few superpixels. For each initial box, the superpixels inside will be grouped into a whole according to a combination strategy, and a new box is thereafter generated as the circumscribed bounding box of the final superpixel. Thirdly, we utilize KCF to track these objects after several frames, Faster-RCNN is again used to re-detect objects inside tracked boxes to prevent tracking failure as well as remove empty boxes. Finally, we utilize Faster R-CNN to detect objects in the next image, and refine object boxes by repeating the second module of our system. The experimental results demonstrate that our system is fast, robust and accurate, which can be applied to USV in practice.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Jian Yang, Yang Xiao, Zhiwen Fang, Naiwen Zhang, Li Wang, and Tao Li "An object detection and tracking system for unmanned surface vehicles", Proc. SPIE 10432, Target and Background Signatures III, 104320R (5 October 2017); Logo
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Image segmentation

Image processing

Automatic tracking


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Ocean optics

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