13 November 2017 Influence of temperature and environment on the laser damage threshold of ion-beam sputtered anti-reflective coatings at 355 nm wavelength
Roelene Botha, Thomas Gischkat, Igor Stevanovic, Andreas Bächli, David Bischof, Markus Michler, Stefan J. Rinner, Carsten Ziolek
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In this investigation the influence of the local environment on the laser damage threshold of anti-reflective coatings is reported. For this purpose, HfO2 / SiO2 anti-reflective coatings were deposited on fused silica substrates using an ionbeam sputter system. Laser damage threshold measurements were performed using two test procedures, S-on-1 and Ron- 1, at 355 nm for temperatures ranging from room temperature up to 250 °C and in different atmospheres. The two test procedures had comparable LIDT results with a possible pre-conditioning effect evidenced by a broadening of the transition range of the R-on-1 measured samples. It was found that samples measured in normal atmospheric air showed superior laser resistance compared to samples measured under nitrogen purge or in dry air. Samples measured in normal atmospheric air also showed a temperature dependence with an improved laser resistance at 25 °C. No temperature dependence was observed for samples measured under nitrogen purge or in dry air. In this paper, literature showing similar effects is reviewed and the influence of a water epilayer on the coating as a possible cause for the observed results is discussed.
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Roelene Botha, Thomas Gischkat, Igor Stevanovic, Andreas Bächli, David Bischof, Markus Michler, Stefan J. Rinner, and Carsten Ziolek "Influence of temperature and environment on the laser damage threshold of ion-beam sputtered anti-reflective coatings at 355 nm wavelength", Proc. SPIE 10447, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials 2017, 104472B (13 November 2017);
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Laser damage threshold

Antireflective coatings

Ion beams


Laser induced damage


Development of a high specification coating
Proceedings of SPIE (October 15 2013)
A year of automated LDT testing on ion beam sputtered...
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Proceedings of SPIE (November 04 1994)

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