Presentation + Paper
16 October 2017 Adopting rigorous verification flow in fabrication of silicon photonic devices
Siti Noor Aisyah Binti Yahya, Mogana Sundharam A/L Sathisivan, Chuanhai Li, Jinhua Pei, Yu Chen
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Throughout this report, we demonstrate the benefits of lithography simulation for the fabrication of the photonic devices using a rigorous verification flow. In our case, we report the application rigorous lithography simulation to predict the fabrication imperfections of silicon photonic devices during the lithography process. Resist calibration has been performed, with both FEM CD and resist profile simulation results matching well with the wafer results for the design rule patterns. SEM overlay proves that the simulation contours agree with the wafer images for the design rule test patterns.
Conference Presentation
© (2017) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Siti Noor Aisyah Binti Yahya, Mogana Sundharam A/L Sathisivan, Chuanhai Li, Jinhua Pei, and Yu Chen "Adopting rigorous verification flow in fabrication of silicon photonic devices", Proc. SPIE 10451, Photomask Technology 2017, 1045106 (16 October 2017);
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Data modeling

Device simulation

Semiconducting wafers

Silicon photonics


Instrument modeling


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