19 February 2018 Real-time, in situ monitoring of nanoporation using electric field-induced acoustic signal
Ali Zarafshani, Rowzat Faiz, Pratik Samant, Bin Zheng, Liangzhong Xiang
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Proceedings Volume 10495, Biophotonics and Immune Responses XIII; 104950Q (2018)
Event: SPIE BiOS, 2018, San Francisco, California, United States
The use of nanoporation in reversible or irreversible electroporation, e.g. cancer ablation, is rapidly growing. This technique uses an ultra-short and intense electric pulse to increase the membrane permeability, allowing non-permeant drugs and genes access to the cytosol via nanopores in the plasma membrane. It is vital to create a real-time in situ monitoring technique to characterize this process and answer the need created by the successful electroporation procedure of cancer treatment. All suggested monitoring techniques for electroporation currently are for pre-and post-stimulation exposure with no real-time monitoring during electric field exposure. This study was aimed at developing an innovative technology for real-time in situ monitoring of electroporation based on the typical cell exposure-induced acoustic emissions. The acoustic signals are the result of the electric field, which itself can be used in realtime to characterize the process of electroporation. We varied electric field distribution by varying the electric pulse from 1μ - 100ns and varying the voltage intensity from 0 − 1.2ܸ݇ to energize two electrodes in a bi-polar set-up. An ultrasound transducer was used for collecting acoustic signals around the subject under test. We determined the relative location of the acoustic signals by varying the position of the electrodes relative to the transducer and varying the electric field distribution between the electrodes to capture a variety of acoustic signals. Therefore, the electric field that is utilized in the nanoporation technique also produces a series of corresponding acoustic signals. This offers a novel imaging technique for the real-time in situ monitoring of electroporation that may directly improve treatment efficiency.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Ali Zarafshani, Rowzat Faiz, Pratik Samant, Bin Zheng, and Liangzhong Xiang "Real-time, in situ monitoring of nanoporation using electric field-induced acoustic signal", Proc. SPIE 10495, Biophotonics and Immune Responses XIII, 104950Q (19 February 2018); Logo
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