Presentation + Paper
16 February 2018 Analytic treatment of high power diode pumped lasers with unstable resonator in a flowing medium
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Diode-pumped alkali metal vapor lasers (DPAL) offer significant promise for high average power. The DPAL system has high gain and will high output coupling and an unstable resonator to achieve excellent beam quality. We analyze the Rb-He system using average equations for the pump, laser and populations, including amplified spontaneous emission. We extend the formulation to include flow and temperature release and study its effects on the laser efficiency and beam quality. The design and analysis of the DPAL resonator and the influence of spatial variations in gain medium on far field beam quality are developed. A systematic study of the influence of gain medium aberrations, flow geometry, and resonator design on far field beam quality is reported. The relative advantages of longitudinal and transverse flow geometries to beam quality are evaluated. Finally, coupling of the pump and laser radiation fields is dramatic in the DPAL system. The standard approaches to merging CFD analysis of the gain medium with wave optics resonator simulations will require new techniques.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Athanasios Gavrielides, L. A. (Vern) Schlie, Robert D. Loper, Michael R. Hawks, and Glen P. Perram "Analytic treatment of high power diode pumped lasers with unstable resonator in a flowing medium", Proc. SPIE 10518, Laser Resonators, Microresonators, and Beam Control XX, 1051815 (16 February 2018);
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Semiconductor lasers

Laser applications



Laser resonators

Optical simulations


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