21 May 2018 Single- and multidimensional integrated optic photon sources for quantum communication
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We present an on-chip nonlinear optics based correlated and higher dimensional state photon source using silicon hybrid materials. The four-wave mixing process occurring in a ring resonator is used to generate a frequency comb of signal and idler wavelengths corresponding to different resonant wavelengths around the pump resonance. The frequency comb based four-wave mixing process is used to generate higher-dimensional entangled photon pairs. The individual comb lines, into which the correlated photon pairs could be generated leads to higher dimensional entanglement. The ability to generate higher dimensional photon states is advantageous to pack more information for high data rate quantum communication and information processing applications.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Rohit K. Ramakrishnan, Varun Raghunathan, and Srinivas Talabattula "Single- and multidimensional integrated optic photon sources for quantum communication", Proc. SPIE 10674, Quantum Technologies 2018, 106741J (21 May 2018);
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Quantum communications


Four wave mixing

Quantum information processing

Integrated optics

Silicon photonics

Nonlinear optics

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