Presentation + Paper
11 September 2018 Dual-energy high-count-rate x-ray computed tomography using a cerium-doped yttrium-aluminum-perovskite crystal and a photomultiplier tube
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To perform low-dose low-scattering X-ray computed tomography (CT), we have constructed a dual-energy (DE) X-ray photon counter with a high-count-rate detector system and energy-range and -region selectors. The detector system consists of a cerium-doped yttrium aluminum perovskite [YAP(Ce)] crystal, a small photomultiplier tube (PMT), and an inverse amplifier for the PMT with a pulse-width extender. In DE-CT, both the X-ray source and the detector module are fixed, and the object on the turntable oscillates on the translation stage. A line beam for DE-CT is formed using a two lead (Pb) pinholes in front of the object. The scattering-photon count from the object is reduced using a Pb pinhole behind the object. To improve the spatial resolution, a 0.5-mm-diam Pb pinhole is attached to the YAP(Ce)-PMT detector. X-ray photons are detected using the detector system, and the event pulses are input to the two energy selectors. In DE-CT, the tube voltage and the maximum current were 100 kV and 0.60 mA, respectively. The energy range and region for soft and gadolinium-K-edge CT are 20-40 and beyond 50 keV (50-100 keV), respectively. The maximum count rate of DE-CT was 84 kilocounts per second, and the exposure time for tomography was 19.6 min at a total rotation angle of 360°.
Conference Presentation
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Eiichi Sato, Yasuyuki Oda, Sohei Yoshida, Satoshi Yamaguchi, Yuichi Sato, Hodaka Morioyama, Osahiko Hagiwara, Hiroshi Matsukiyo, Toshiyuki Enomoto, Manabu Watanabe, and Shinya Kusachi "Dual-energy high-count-rate x-ray computed tomography using a cerium-doped yttrium-aluminum-perovskite crystal and a photomultiplier tube", Proc. SPIE 10763, Radiation Detectors in Medicine, Industry, and National Security XIX, 107630I (11 September 2018); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication.
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X-ray computed tomography



X-ray detectors



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