Nanoimprint lithography, NIL, is an attractive low cost lithography technique especially for a non-volatile memory device application. The advantages of NIL are simpler exposure system with no coat/dev track, single process step without SADP/SAQP, less design rule restriction, lower cost-of-ownership, compared with other lithography technologies.
NIL working templates are made by the replication of the EB written high quality master templates. Fabrication of high resolution master templates is one of the key items, so as to realize high quality replica templates by carefully controlled replication process.
Application of multi-beam mask writer, MBMW, to the NIL master template fabrication is very attractive for the coming generation of the new memory devices. For a fine feature master template such as 1z nm node, shot counts for writing with single beam tool will increase drastically and the writing time is estimated more than days. On the other hand, because of the parallel exposure principle, MBMW can write a master in a certain time for any feature size. In addition, MBMW is suitable for high resolution low sensitivity EB resist, which is evitable for fine feature master fabrication of lines and holes.
We applied MBMW for the fabrication sub-15nm feature size templates. A full-field 1x master template was fabricated. In this presentation, we will be discussing master template fabrication process with MBMW and the performance of the template. We will also discuss the replication process with a high resolution master.