5 November 2018 All-dielectric metasurface lens based on multimode fiber
Peng Huang, Mingjie Wang, Xingyu Zhang, Chunying Guan
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A compact all-dielectric metasurface lens based on a conventional multimode fiber is proposed and demonstrated. Here, an aperiodic array of rectangular dielectric nanoresonators deposited on the end face of a multimode fiber was used to construct an all-dielectric metasurface lens. By varying the widths of rectangular resonators full 2π phase control was realized. The dielectric resonators were used as phase shift elements to achieve the required phase accumulation through propagation over a subwavelength distance and modulate the phase distribution of the emitted light from the multimode fiber in near-infrared communication band. The proposed all-dielectric metasurface lens exhibits miniaturization and excellent performance, which is key to realize optical trapping, holographic display, and beam shaping. The presented design of all-dielectric metasurface lens can be widely applicable to any high-index semiconductor or insulator and can be applied at any desired wavelength.
© (2018) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Peng Huang, Mingjie Wang, Xingyu Zhang, and Chunying Guan "All-dielectric metasurface lens based on multimode fiber ", Proc. SPIE 10814, Optoelectronic Devices and Integration VII, 108141D (5 November 2018); Logo
Cited by 1 scholarly publication and 3 patents.
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Multimode fibers

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