21 March 1989 Normalized Relations As A Basis For Reasoning About Change And Their Application To The Reconfiguration Of A Fault Tolerant Computing System
Richard Denney
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Reconfiguration is a method of by-passing hardware failures in a fault tolerant oil well logging system being built by Schlumberger. An expert system, implemented in PROLOG, has been built which, given a failure, aids in reconfiguring the system. Deriving reconfigurations exhibits characteristics of the frame problem in AI: modifications to the system made to by-pass failures may invalidate other parts of the system, which in turn must be modified, and so on. It is important, however, that changes unrelated to the initial modification not be made. To address this problem, first we describe the well logging system as a relation scheme, and note the data-dependencies which exist over its attributes. This allows us to describe the well logging system as a set of normalized relations. The normalization is such that it groups together, at a level of finest granularity, those attributes, and only those attributes, which determine or are determined by one another. These normalized relations serve as the basis for reasoning about change in a search for all, and only those, reconfigurations with changes which are a consequence of by-passing the failure.
© (1989) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Richard Denney "Normalized Relations As A Basis For Reasoning About Change And Their Application To The Reconfiguration Of A Fault Tolerant Computing System", Proc. SPIE 1095, Applications of Artificial Intelligence VII, (21 March 1989);
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