Author Affiliations +
Philip H. Butler,1,2,3 Sikiru A. Adebileje,4,2 Steven D. Alexander,1 Maya R. Amma,4 Marzieh Amjomrouz,1 Fatemeh Asghariomabad,4 Ali Atharifard,1 James Atlas,2 Benjamin Bamford,4 Stephen T. Bell,1 Srinidhi Bheesette,1,4,5 Anthony P. H. Butler,1,2,4 Pierre Carbonez,4,5 Claire Chambers,2 Alexander I. Chernoglazov,1,2 Jennifer A. Clark,4,6 Jonathan S. Crighton,4 Shishir Dahal,4,7,8 Jérôme Damet,4,5,9 Neils J. A. de Ruiter,1,2,4 Robert M. N. Doesburg,1 Neryda Duncan,2 Nooshin Ghodsian,10 Steven P. Gieseg,2,4,5 Brian P. Goulter,1 Sam Gurney,4 Joseph L. Healy,1 Praveenkumar Kanithi,2 Tracy Kirkbride,6 Stuart P. Lansley,1,5 Chiara Lowe,4 V. B. H. Mandalika,1,2 Emmanuel Marfo,4 Aysouda Matanaghi,4 Mahdieh Moghiseh,1,4 David Palmer,11 Raj K. Panta,1,4,5 Hannah M. Prebble,1 Aamir Y. Raja,1,4 Yann Sayous,2 Peter Renaud,2,4 Nanette Schleich,12 Emily Searle,2 Jereena S. Sheeja,4 Rayhan Uddin,2 Lieza Vanden Broeke,1 V. S. Vivek,1 E. Peter Walker,4 Michael F. Walsh,1 Manoj Wijesooriya,2 W. Ross Younger1
1MARS Bioimaging Ltd. (New Zealand)
2Univ. of Canterbury (New Zealand)
3Univ. of Otago Christchurch (New Zealand)
4Univ. of Otago, Christchurch (New Zealand)
5European Organisation for Nuclear Research (Switzerland)
6Ara Institute of Canterbury (New Zealand)
7Ministry of Health (Nepal)
8National Academy of Medical Sciences (Nepal)
9Lausanne Univ. Hospital (Switzerland)
10Univ. of Cantebury (New Zealand)
11Lincoln Univ. (New Zealand)
12Univ. of Otago, Wellington (New Zealand)