Recently, deep learning has become the mainstream method in multiple fields of artificial intelligence / machine learning (AI/ML) applications, including medical imaging. Encouraged by the neural diversity in the human body, our group proposed to replace the inner product in the current artificial neuron with a quadratic operation on inputs (called quadratic neuron) for deep learning. Since the representation capability at the cellular level is enhanced by the quadratic neuron, we are motivated to build network architectures and evaluate the potential of quadratic neurons towards “quadratic deep learning”. Along this direction, our previous theoretical studies have shown advantages of quadratic neurons and quadratic networks in terms of efficiency and representation. In this paper, we prototype a quadratic residual neural network (Q-ResNet) by incorporating quadratic neurons into a convolutional residual structure, and then deploy it for CT metal artifact reduction. Also, we report our experiments on a simulated dataset to show that Q-ResNet performs better than the classic NMAR algorithm.