27 June 2019 ASML NXE pellicle update
Derk Brouns, Par Broman, Jan-Willem van der Horst, Raymond Lafarre, Raymond Maas, Theo Modderman, Roel Notermans, Guido Salmaso
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Over the past years, ASML has taken the NXE pellicle concept (2015) from the concept level to pilot production (2016) and subsequently to a final product (2017 and onwards). In this paper we will show the progress in pellicle development that was made over the past year. After ASML started volume production of pellicles with the previous film generation, a new film generation was introduced end 2018. This new generation of pellicles shows considerable improvements in imaging performance, stability, EUV power capability and EUV reflectivity. The current generation of pellicle films show an EUV power capability of 250 Watts; improvements were also made in the imaging performance, where the EUV reflectivity of the pellicle reduced to below 0.04%. The EUV transmission of the latest pellicles increased to 83%.
© (2019) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Derk Brouns, Par Broman, Jan-Willem van der Horst, Raymond Lafarre, Raymond Maas, Theo Modderman, Roel Notermans, and Guido Salmaso "ASML NXE pellicle update", Proc. SPIE 11178, Photomask Japan 2019: XXVI Symposium on Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology, 1117806 (27 June 2019); Logo
Cited by 5 scholarly publications.
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Extreme ultraviolet

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