19 February 2020 Birds do it, Bees do it: A bio-inspired look at wayfinding and navigation tools for augmented reality
James E. Melzer, Richard W. Madison
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Augmented reality (AR) offers many opportunities to make our lives easier. One example is to help us navigate handsfree and eyes-out in novel or unprepared environments. Cell phone-based Global Positioning System (GPS) applications have relieved us of some of the more burdensome tasks of map reading and route learning, but over-reliance on this technology has been shown to provide an impoverished understanding of the environment. What happens then when GPS is not available or the signals are compromised, as when one is indoors, in deep urban canyons, or in heavy forest, or when GPS is purposely jammed? This review will examine the psychological mechanisms of human wayfinding and navigation, towards an understanding of how we achieve Survey knowledge of an environment. We also look at examples of animals who navigate long distances using the earth’s magnetic field, celestial cues and polarized light from the sun, moon and stars, as well as odometry, optical flow and landmark recognition. From this bio-inspired perspective, we discuss requirements for a hybrid, multimodal navigation and tracking system for a targeted set of users who operate in high stress environments. What we find is that a combination of both Allocentric (external) and Egocentric (internal) navigation cues are required; and because Allocentric cues may be intermittent or unreliable, good path integration is required.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
James E. Melzer and Richard W. Madison "Birds do it, Bees do it: A bio-inspired look at wayfinding and navigation tools for augmented reality", Proc. SPIE 11310, Optical Architectures for Displays and Sensing in Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR), 113100K (19 February 2020);
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Global Positioning System

Augmented reality


Navigation systems


Satellite navigation systems

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