Method: A primary sampling device (PSD) was designed and scatter correction algorithm incorporated into an experimental stationary digital chest tomosynthesis (s-DCT) system for this study to directly compute scatter from the primary beam information. Phantom and an in-vivo porcine subject were imaged. Total scan time was measured and image quality evaluated. Results: Comparison of reconstruction slice images from uncorrected and scatter-corrected projection images reveals improved image quality, with increased feature conspicuity. Each scan in the current setup required twelve seconds, in addition to one second for PSD retraction, for a total scan time of 25 seconds. Conclusions: We have evaluated the prototype low-dose, patient-specific scatter correction methodology using phantom studies in preparation for a clinical trial. Incorporating only 5% of additional patient dose, the reconstruction slices exhibit increased visual conspicuity of anatomical features, with the primary drawback of increased total scan time. Though used for tomosynthesis, the technique can be easily translated to digital radiography in lieu of an anti-scattering grid. |