We investigated the effects of using games to identify hidden abnormalities to enhance visual diagnostic skills in radiology residents. Radiology residents viewed 50 chest images while their eye position was recorded. They were then given a Where’s WALDO book to study over 3 weeks. They then reviewed the 50 chest images again. Performance in detecting abnormalities and visual search parameters were analyzed. There was no significant difference as a function of Waldo vs control for pre vs post testing. With respect to the eye-tracking data, the first measure considered was total viewing time. Overall there was a significant difference as a function of Waldo vs control group (z = 2.332, p = 0.0197) and pre vs post (F = 43.48, p < 0.0001) with those in the Waldo group experiencing a larger drop in viewing time from pre (mean = 20.65, sd = 15.29 Waldo; mean = 12.43, sd = 6.91 control) to post (mean = 14.62, sd = 10.32 Waldo; mean = 10.86, sd = 6.11 control). Fixation durations were significantly shorter (F = 16.51, p < 0.0001) pre (mean = 332.31, sd = 232.47 Waldo; mean = 378.32, sd = 234.88 control) than post (mean = 328.36, sd = 210.41 Waldo; mean = 359.45, sd = 228.17 control) and for control vs Waldo (F = 188.56, p < 0.0001). Practicing Where’s WALDO or similar nonradiology search task images may facilitate the acquisition of radiology image interpretation skills.