16 March 2020 Weekly supervised convolutional long short-term memory neural networks for MR-TRUS registration
Qiulan Zeng, Yabo Fu, Jiwoong Jeong, Tian Zhen, Tonghe Wang, Yang Lei, Hui Mao, Ashesh B. Jani, Pretesh Patel, Walter J. Curran, Tian Liu, Xiaofeng Yang
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We propose an approach based on a weekly supervised method for MR-TRUS image registration. Inspired by the viscous fluid physical model, we made the first attempt at combining convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) Neural Network to perform deep learning-based dense deformation field prediction. Through the integration of convolutional long short-term memory (ConvLSTM) Neural Network and weakly supervised approach, we achieved accurate results in terms of Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and target registration error (TRE) without using conventional intensity-based image similarity measures. Thirty-six sets of patient data were used in the study. Experimental results showed that our proposed ConvLSTM neural network produced a mean TRE of 2.85±1.72 mm and a mean Dice of 0.89.
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Qiulan Zeng, Yabo Fu, Jiwoong Jeong, Tian Zhen, Tonghe Wang, Yang Lei, Hui Mao, Ashesh B. Jani, Pretesh Patel, Walter J. Curran, Tian Liu, and Xiaofeng Yang "Weekly supervised convolutional long short-term memory neural networks for MR-TRUS registration", Proc. SPIE 11319, Medical Imaging 2020: Ultrasonic Imaging and Tomography, 1131910 (16 March 2020); Logo
Cited by 2 scholarly publications.
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Image registration

Neural networks

Magnetic resonance imaging


Prostate cancer


High dynamic range imaging

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