The success in the shrinking of the electronic device constituents depends mostly on the photolithographic techniques. For next generation lithography, in order to achieve the desired downscaling patterns (<10 nm), extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation must be used and new materials must be developed. Standing Wave X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (SWXPS), a fairly new method in the EUV lithography field, is an ideal method for characterization such new materials. For example, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) combined with standing-wave excitation can provide depth-selective information on the structural and chemical conditions of the photoresits as a function of temperature, exposure, or other parameters. We performed a SW-XPS feasibility study on self-assembled monolayer (SAM) films after exposure to electron beam. SW-XPS determined the semi-quantitative chemical profiles of the SAM layer with sub-nm accuracy including the roughness/interdiffusion of both interfaces. We demonstrated that SW-XPS can provide indispensable information useful for understanding the depth composition of films as well effects of irradiation (e-beam or EUV) on the latest ultrathin photoresists.