Presentation + Paper
13 October 2020 Hybrid E-beam lithography and process improvement for nanodevice fabrication
I. Servin Sr., F. Laulagnet, M. Cannac, Ahmed Gharbi, J-A. Dallery
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Maskless lithography is versatile and suitable for demonstrators covering a large field of applications for advanced devices. Hybrid lithography is a technique reducing significantly writing time by coupling an e-beam tool and a mask-based DUV optical tool. This novel approach involves two consecutive exposures using a unique e-beam resist following by a single development step, unlike complex “mix-and-match” multiple patterning strategies. Besides the matching of e-beam resist sensitivity to both e-beam/DUV exposures, we demonstrate high-resolution capability of CAR resists down to 30nm, while reducing writing time by a factor of 6 by using the hybrid approach. The overlay (OVL) performance between these 2 lithography steps and towards the previous levels meets also the alignment requirements and capabilities.
Conference Presentation
© (2020) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
I. Servin Sr., F. Laulagnet, M. Cannac, Ahmed Gharbi, and J-A. Dallery "Hybrid E-beam lithography and process improvement for nanodevice fabrication", Proc. SPIE 11518, Photomask Technology 2020, 115180U (13 October 2020);
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Electron beam lithography


Deep ultraviolet

193nm lithography

Optical alignment

Electron beam direct write lithography

Semiconducting wafers

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