The paper presents the results of a harmonic analysis of the indicators of photoplethysmograms of the human index finger, which characterize the pulse blood filling and tone of large diameter arteries (blood distribution vessels), as well as indicators of the tone of small diameter arteries. Fourier analysis of periodic changes in the tone of regional arteries of various diameters was carried out with natural breathing, in a test with deep breathing (hyperventilation), with the voluntary breathing at three fixed frequencies (0.2Hz, 0.1Hz; 0.05Hz). The tests were performed under spirographic control. The advantage of the spectral analysis of photoplethysmographic indicators over the traditional harmonic analysis of PPG in studies of the relationship between changes in the tone of regional arteries of various diameters on the one hand, and the depth and frequency of breathing of the subject on the other hand is shown. Spectral analysis of photoplethysmographic indicators is more effective in observing the dynamics of transient changes in the tone of regional arteries in people with neurocirculatory disorders of blood circulation regulation.