Purpose: Recent neurosurgical techniques require accurate targeting of deep-brain structures even in the presence of deformation due to egress of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) during surgical access. Prior work reported Structure-from-Motion (SfM) based methods for endoscopic guidance using 3D reconstruction. We are developing feature detection and description methods for a real-time 3D endoscopic navigation system using simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) to for accurate and near real-time registration. Methods: Feature detectors and descriptors were evaluated in SLAM reconstruction in anthropomorphic phantom studies emulating neuroendoscopy. The experimental system utilized a mobile UR3e robot (Universal Robots, Denmark) and ventriculoscope (Karl Storz, Tuttlingen, Germany) affixed to the end effector as a repeatable ventriculoscopy platform. Experiments were conducted to quantify optimal feature detection parameters in scale-space. Neuroendoscopic images acquired in traversal of the lateral and third ventricles provided a rich feature space of vessels and other structures on ventricular walls supporting feature detection and 3D point-cloud reconstruction. Performance was evaluated in terms of the mean number of features detected per frame and the algorithm runtime. Results: Parameter search in scale-space for feature detection demonstrated the dependence on the mean number of features per image and the points of diminishing return in parameter selection (e.g., the number of octaves and scale levels) and tradeoffs in runtime. Nominal parameters were identified as 3 octaves and 9 scale levels, with a mean number of features detected as 492 and 806 respectively. Conclusions: The system for neuroendoscopic guidance based on SLAM 3D point-cloud reconstruction provided a promising platform for the development of robot-assisted endoscopic neurosurgery. The studies reported in this work provided an essential basis for rigorous selection of parameters for feature detection. Future work aims to further develop the SLAM framework, assess the geometric accuracy of reconstruction, and translate methods to clinical studies.