15 November 2022 Laser multiple optical feedback with misalignment cavity and its sensing application
Zhaoli Zeng, Ruiping Bai, Yu Tian, Yidong Tan
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Proceedings Volume 12448, 5th Optics Young Scientist Summit (OYSS 2022); 1244811 (2022)
Event: 5th Optics Young Scientist Summit (OYSS 2022), 2022, Fuzhou, China
The intensity and frequency properties of laser multiple optical feedback have been investigated. The multiple optical feedback is realized with a high reflectivity feedback mirror in the misalignment external cavity. Experimental results show that the laser intensity is modulated by the variation of feedback cavity length, when the feedback mirror is drove by PZT. In most cases, the modulation depth of the multiple feedback fringes is obviously different. And its frequency analysis results seem like the noise signals. Particularly, at certain misalignment angle of feedback mirror, the envelope of feedback fringes is cosine-like and the modulation depth of the multiple feedback fringes is almost equal. The spectral analysis shows that the fringes density of multiple feedback is increased evidently than that of conventional weak feedback. The resolution of this fringe is upto nanometer level which can be calculated by the spectral analysis result. This high resolution cosine-like fringe of multiple feedback is very useful for high precision sensing applications.
© (2022) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhaoli Zeng, Ruiping Bai, Yu Tian, and Yidong Tan "Laser multiple optical feedback with misalignment cavity and its sensing application", Proc. SPIE 12448, 5th Optics Young Scientist Summit (OYSS 2022), 1244811 (15 November 2022);
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