Presentation + Paper
7 April 2023 Quantitative dual-energy imaging of bone marrow edema using multi-source cone-beam CT with model-based decomposition
Stephen Z. Liu, Huanyi Zhou, Greg M. Osgood, Shadpour Demehri, J. Webster Stayman, Wojciech Zbijewski
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Purpose: We investigated the feasibility of dual-energy (DE) detection of bone marrow edema (BME) using a dedicated extremity cone-beam CT (CBCT) with a unique three-source x-ray unit. The sources can be operated at different energies to enable single-scan DE acquisitions. However, they are arranged parallel to the axis of rotation, resulting in incomplete sampling and precluding the application of DE projection-domain decompositions (PDD) for beam-hardening reduction. Therefore, we propose a novel combination of a model-based “one-step” DE two-material decomposition followed by a constrained image-domain change-of-basis to obtain virtual non-calcium (VNCa) images for BME detection.

Methods: DE projections were obtained using an “alternating-kV” protocol by operating the peripheral two sources of the CBCT system at low-energy (60 kV, 0.105 mAs/frame) and the central source at high-energy (100 kV, 0.028 mAs/frame), for a total of 600 frames over 216° of gantry rotation. Projections were processed with detector lag, glare and fast Monte Carlo (MC)-based iterative scatter corrections. Model-based material decomposition (MBMD) was then implemented to obtain aluminum (Al) and polyethylene (PE) volume fraction images with minimal beam-hardening. Statistical ray weights in MBMD were modified to account for regions with highly oblique sampling by the peripheral sources. To generate the VNCa maps, image-domain decomposition (IDD) constrained by the volume conservation principle (VCP) was performed to convert the Al and PE MBMD images into volume fractions of water, fat and cortical bone. Accuracy of BME detection was evaluated using physical phantom data acquired on the multi-source extremity CBCT scanner.

Results: The proposed framework estimated the volume of BME with ~10% error. The MC-based scatter corrections and the modified MBMD ray weights were essential to achieve such performance – the error without MC scatter corrections was <30%, whereas the uniformity of estimated VNCa images was 3x improved using the modified weights compared to the conventional weights.

Conclusions: The proposed DE decomposition framework was able to overcome challenges of high scatter and incomplete sampling to achieve BME detection on a CBCT system with axially-distributed x-ray sources.
Conference Presentation
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Stephen Z. Liu, Huanyi Zhou, Greg M. Osgood, Shadpour Demehri, J. Webster Stayman, and Wojciech Zbijewski "Quantitative dual-energy imaging of bone marrow edema using multi-source cone-beam CT with model-based decomposition", Proc. SPIE 12463, Medical Imaging 2023: Physics of Medical Imaging, 1246315 (7 April 2023);
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Cone beam computed tomography

Model-based design

X-ray computed tomography

X-ray sources




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