CD-SEM is one of the workhorse metrology tools for evaluating the patterning performances in the semiconductor industry. With the continuous shrink of device feature sizes, measurement uncertainty, of such devices should improve accordingly, including tool-to-tool matching. Great efforts are made in fabs to ensure matching between CD-SEMs. Basically, there are two approaches : tool matching based on statistical CD measurements and tool matching based on physical tool parameters. The first methods require long recipe run on each tool for data collection while the second methods require dedicated maintenance tool time. In parallel, the emergence of SEM contour metrology brought new opportunities, for example in OPC modeling, process assessment or overlay metrology. Recently, a step has been made to demonstrate that offline SEM contour metrology can be matched with standard CD-SEM. In this paper we evaluate the possibility to use SEM contour metrology to perform a remote CD matching on images coming from two different CD-SEM. A large set of patterns of various dimensions and shapes (both 1D and 2D) is imaged with two different CD-SEM after etch process step. For each image the contours are extracted using a remote software. A matching model is calibrated to match contour measurements of the same pattern imaged with the two CD-SEMs. The matching model can be calibrated using either one or both inline SEM measurement or using additional metrology data (typically AFM measurement or any reference metrology measurement). The matching model parameters include both parameters for the contour extraction calibration and measurement matching parameters. Two modeling approaches are compared : one matching model averaging multiple measurement matching sites and a multiple (per pattern type) contour calibrations/ measurement matching sites model. These different matching models are assessed using as main metrics the remaining CD difference between SEM contour measurements on images coming from the two CD-SEM (ΔCDmatching) and TMU analysis. We show that an overall ΔCDmatching variability of 0.6 nm and a TMU below 2 nm can be obtained with the dataset. We evaluated a strategy to achieve matching of two CD-SEM using a remote contour extraction solution and a matching model.