A few polarization image datasets depicting real world scenes have been reported. Some of them are available on an open-data basis. Some databases contain color images, often with color bands reconstructed from a sensor equipped with a Bayer filter. Unfortunately, even if these real-world images depict a variety of objects and situations and have a good overall quality (ie the spectral bands and the various polarization channels are or can be registered, noise is reduced), they often have a low definition (smaller than 1 Mp), a low bit depth and are captured with a large lens aperture, resulting in very band-limited images. Moreover, the demosaicing procedure used to reconstruct the various color bands has a smoothing effect, reducing their resolution. This latter point proves detrimental when it comes to use these images as references for demosaicing algorithms, especially for RGB images: since each channel combining polarization direction and spectral band is very sparse in the base mosaic pattern, artifacts likely to appear are considerably underestimated with band-limited images. In this work, we review existing polarization image databases, focus on non-mosaiced datasets and propose a technique to produce HD polarization images with superior quality.