31 July 2023 Optimization of laser spot center detection based on laser triangulation
Xinrui Liang, Jiashu Zeng, Xin Guo, Qinghua Yao
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Proceedings Volume 12747, Third International Conference on Optics and Image Processing (ICOIP 2023); 127470W (2023)
Event: Third International Conference on Optics and Image Processing (ICOIP 2023), 2023, Hangzhou, China
A simple structure, high stability, and high speed characterize laser triangulation. Aerospace, civil engineering, and many other applications use laser triangulation inspection methods. In various applications, laser triangulation is affected by a variety of factors. The paper proposes an improved circle fitting method for solving the problem of low accuracy of speckle center detection in laser triangulation systems. There is usually some deviation in the measurement results of circle centers when there are outliers in algebraic or geometric circle fitting methods. The center of the fitted circle is determined by combining edge detection and least squares circle fitting. Laser triangulation is, therefore, more accurate by improving the accuracy of the spot origin.
© (2023) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Xinrui Liang, Jiashu Zeng, Xin Guo, and Qinghua Yao "Optimization of laser spot center detection based on laser triangulation", Proc. SPIE 12747, Third International Conference on Optics and Image Processing (ICOIP 2023), 127470W (31 July 2023);
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Digital filtering

Tunable filters

Edge detection


Image filtering

Image sensors

Laser applications


Edge Detection For Tactile Sensing
Proceedings of SPIE (October 27 1988)
Non-Euclidean pyramids
Proceedings of SPIE (December 04 2000)
Compound-edge-detection method
Proceedings of SPIE (June 07 1996)

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