12 October 2023 Presentation of BACUS prize
Ron Johnstone
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One of the reasons we are gathered here this evening is to honor one of our own. The directors of BACUS felt that we are a growing, dynamic, important industry unto ourselves, and that peer recognition of achievement was long overdue. To correct the situation we have instituted what we hope to be an annual event — the awarding of the BACUS Prize, to be given to the person or company that has made an outstanding contribution to the photomasking industry. The prize consists of a personal plaque and a cash award of $500, to be give to the educational institution of the recipient's choice. This year's recipient is a person who has changed the way we do things for the better. Just a few short, but memorable, years ago, plate cleaning was done with Ivory soap and engravers' cotton. Plate processing was done by the "dunk and look" method until the process, in the estimation of the operator, was completed. Jim Giffin changed all that for us.
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Ron Johnstone "Presentation of BACUS prize", Proc. SPIE 12809, Bay Area Chrome Users Society Symposium 1985, 128090K (12 October 2023);
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