Presentation + Paper
2 April 2024 Hypoplasia of the S1 vertebral body (pseudoretrolisthesis) and its association with early degenerative disc disease at the L5-S1 level
Barjor Gimi M.D., Todd L. Siegal M.D.
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To perform a retrospective study to characterize hypoplastic S1 and its correlation to early degenerative disc disease, disc and disc space abnormalities on routine MRI. We studied magnetic resonance images of 41 patients with posterior segment S1 hypoplasia and 47 controls. The Anterior-Posterior (A-P) diameter of the superior plate of S1 and the inferior plate of L5 was measured in each patient of the two groups and the mean difference between the diameters was compared. Age-of-presentation at the time of imaging was calculated and is reported. There is a significant mean difference between the A-P diameters in the two groups (student t-test; p ⪅; 0.05). There is also a significant difference in the age-at-presentation between the two groups. Hypoplastic S1 is a strong predictor of an earlier presentation of degenerative disc disease. These findings may have implications in early intervention in this population that may stabilize or mitigate symptoms and improve quality-of-life.
Conference Presentation
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Barjor Gimi M.D. and Todd L. Siegal M.D. "Hypoplasia of the S1 vertebral body (pseudoretrolisthesis) and its association with early degenerative disc disease at the L5-S1 level", Proc. SPIE 12930, Medical Imaging 2024: Clinical and Biomedical Imaging, 129300Y (2 April 2024);
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Diseases and disorders

Magnetic resonance imaging


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