Poster + Paper
2 April 2024 Improved gastrointestinal endoscopic imaging using spectral color estimation
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Conference Poster
Gastrointestinal (GI) tract endoscopy plays a pivotal role in the detection of a spectrum of malignancies, including superficial lesions and vascular irregularities. While conventional White Light Imaging (WLI) delivers clear GI tract imagery, it often lacks the capability to adequately enhance the visualization of vascular structures, essential for precise disease diagnosis. Although Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) enhances the visualization of superficial vessels, its availability is not universal across endoscopy systems. In contexts where advanced imaging techniques like NBI are absent, enhancing visualization under white light illumination holds promise for improving diagnostic accuracy. An innovative approach involving approximate spectral color estimation has been proposed in this paper, which relies on the relative proportions of red, green, and blue (RGB) components in a spectral color to infer the spectral component from an RGB image. By applying a composite of three spectral estimates to the RGB channels, we generate pseudo-colored images that accentuate structural details. Enhanced images using diverse spectral estimate combinations were captured from two patients under both WLI and NBI and analyzed for visualizing various GI tract structures. The enhanced images show clear improvement when compared to the original image for the same region. The comparison of enhanced images captured under the two different light sources shows relatively higher improvement for enhancement under WLI compared to the predominantly monochromatic images yielded by NBI. The findings underscore that our proposed method generates a spectrum of distinctly colored images, in contrast to the predominantly monochromatic images yielded by NBI. This empowers clinicians to opt for their preferred color combinations, in turn simplifying the diagnostic process.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Amalan S., Leenasri R., Antony Raj, Preejith SP, and Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam "Improved gastrointestinal endoscopic imaging using spectral color estimation", Proc. SPIE 12930, Medical Imaging 2024: Clinical and Biomedical Imaging, 129302O (2 April 2024);
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Image enhancement



Light sources and illumination

Color imaging

Image analysis

Imaging systems

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