A recent technique named Mechanically-inspired L1-norm-based Second-Order Ultrasound eLastography (L1- MechSOUL) has provided a promising solution to the well-known issue of 2D tracking (both axial and lateral) in ultrasound strain elastography. This technique optimizes a cost function consisting of a data term, a mechanical congruence term, and first- and second-order continuity terms. However, L1-MechSOUL’s second-order regularizer considers only the unmixed second derivatives and disregards the mixed derivatives, which is a simplification that causes suboptimal noise suppression and inaccurate displacement estimation. We propose to address these challenges by formulating and optimizing a novel L1-norm-based second-order regularizer that penalizes both mixed and unmixed displacement derivatives. The unmixed second derivatives in the direction of displacement components (i.e., axial or lateral) regularize the normal strains, whereas we interpret the mixed second derivatives of the axial or lateral displacement to regularize both normal and shear strains. We compared the proposed technique against L1-MechSOUL using simulated and phantom datasets, resulting in improved mean structural similarity, elastographic signal-to-noise ratio, and elastographic contrast-to-noise ratio by up to 14%, 91%, and 132%, respectively. These quantitative improvements collectively highlight our ability to deliver high-accuracy 2D displacement and strain estimations that will advance the state-of-the-art in elastography-guided interventions.