5 January 2024 Hyperspectral analysis for the determination of tensor differential and integral characteristics of the micro profile from the topograms of the strokes printed by intaglio
Vasiliy Strutynsky, Andrii Gurzhii, Tetiana Kyrychok, Olena Korotenko
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Proceedings Volume 12938, Sixteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics; 1293816 (2024)
Event: International Conference Correlation Optics (COR 2023), 2023, Chernivtsi, Ukraine
Surface topograms obtained by mechanical, laser, optical, and electron-microscopic profilometry are widely used to study the micro profile parameters. Experimentally obtained topograms are widely used to evaluate the quality of metallic and non-metallic surfaces for various purposes, including in printing technologies for quality control of finished printing products, in particular, those produced by the intaglio printing method. Laser topograms describe the micro profile with matrices of ordinates on a rectangular grid of large dimensions. At the same time, the problem of estimating micro profile parameters as a whole arises. Therefore, research aimed at developing integrated methods of micro profile analysis is relevant. One of the ways to solve this problem is to consider the anisotropy of the geometric characteristics of the micro profile in all directions. In this paper, the possibility of determining the integral characteristics of the micro profile based on the topogram of the surface using a mathematical apparatus based on hyperspectral analysis and tensor calculation methods is substantiated. The proposed methods are based on the introduction of a special tensor field, which determines the characteristic directions of the location of peaks and valleys of the micro profile. In particular, a multiple (two-dimensional) Fourier series is used to describe the microprofile. The coefficients are found by integrating the experimentally measured laser topogram of the microprofile smoothed by cubic splines, corrected by multiplication by a special form factor. The coefficients of the series represent the spectral (hyperspectral) characteristic of the micro profile.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Vasiliy Strutynsky, Andrii Gurzhii, Tetiana Kyrychok, and Olena Korotenko "Hyperspectral analysis for the determination of tensor differential and integral characteristics of the micro profile from the topograms of the strokes printed by intaglio", Proc. SPIE 12938, Sixteenth International Conference on Correlation Optics, 1293816 (5 January 2024);
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Optical surfaces



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