NASA began the Great Observatory Maturation Program (GOMAP) with the goal of studying and advancing the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), a large ultraviolet, optical, infrared space telescope recommended by the Astro 2020 Decadal Survey. Among its many goals, HWO will obtain spectra of at least 25 exo-Earth candidates to search for signs of life and conduct transformative astrophysics at ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared wavelengths. The observatory, like HST and JWST, will be a powerful general class observatory. This past fall the GOMAP program stood up two study groups, the Science Technology Architecture Review Team (START) and the Technical Assessment Group (TAG) aimed at helping to study the science, technology and architecture options for this new flagship mission. This talk will discuss the engineering activities associated with these studies including the team and organization, the study plan and the use of the Concept Maturity Level (CML) approach. In addition, the talk will discuss the key initial engineering efforts, the key technology gaps, and overall engineering plans.