Poster + Paper
23 August 2024 Accurate deployable mirrors for small optical CubeSat telescope: design and laboratory validations
Katherine Morris, Noah Schwartz, Zeshan Ali, Maria Milanova, Chris Miller, Junyi Zhou, David Isherwood, William Brzozowski, Rory Gillespie, Charlotte Bond, Douglas Harvey, Lawrence Bissell, Éamonn Harvey, Jay Stephan, Amelia Calderhead, Raziye Artan, Amna Waris, Stella Gouzon, Cassandra Mercury
Author Affiliations +
Conference Poster
A-DOT (Active Deployable Optical Telescope) is a payload prototype of a 6U deployable telescope operating in the visible from 400 to 800 nm with an aperture diameter of 300 mm. It aims to deliver diffraction-limited performance using on-board wavefront sensing (WFS) and active control (WFC). A-DOT is currently in the design phase. This paper presents the development of a deployable, single-segment, mechanical prototype. The deployable mirror segment is kinematically mounted to a monolithic flexure using three spherical contacts in a cup-grooveflat arrangement. Tip, tilt and piston (PTT) are controlled using linear, piezoelectric actuators at each contact and the mirror position measured using capacitive sensors. The prototype is packaged within the allowable CubeSat volume and uses space-compatible hardware in a non-magnetic design.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Katherine Morris, Noah Schwartz, Zeshan Ali, Maria Milanova, Chris Miller, Junyi Zhou, David Isherwood, William Brzozowski, Rory Gillespie, Charlotte Bond, Douglas Harvey, Lawrence Bissell, Éamonn Harvey, Jay Stephan, Amelia Calderhead, Raziye Artan, Amna Waris, Stella Gouzon, and Cassandra Mercury "Accurate deployable mirrors for small optical CubeSat telescope: design and laboratory validations", Proc. SPIE 13092, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2024: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 130922T (23 August 2024);
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