Future mission X-ray optics are regularly tested and calibrated at the PANTER X-ray test facility of the Max- Planck-Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics. The ATHENA mission has just completed a science and hardware redefinition phase as the NewATHENA mission. During this one-and-a-half-year redefinition phase, the development of the baseline Silicon Pore Optics SPOs continued, resulting in the fabrication of the first SPO mirror modules with all the NewATHENA characteristics (dimensions, rib spacing, and coating). At PANTER, these NewATHENA SPOs will be measured and characterized. This characterization comprises half energy widths of the on- and off-axis point spread function. Furthermore, effective area measurements covering the energy range of NewATHENA will be performed. We provide an overview of the results obtained from measurements during a test campaign in January 2024 of the SPO MM-0058, the first representative NewATHENA row-08 mirror module.