FORS (FOcal Reducer and Low Dispersion Spectrograph), a multi-mode optical instrument mounted on the Very Large Telescope's (VLT) UT1 Cassegrain focus, gets a new look. The upgrade, known as FORS-Up (FORS-Upgrade), is being carried out by ESO and INAF-OATs, and includes, beside replacement of some optical components, the replacement of all the motors, the development of a new calibration unit, the adoption of a new detector, and the design of a control electronics based on the new ELT standards. The refurbishment work has started on the twin spectrograph FORS1, decommissioned in 2009 which was sent to the integration premises of the Astronomical Observatory of Trieste. After resuming the final design of the control electronics, this paper presents the PLC software implementation and the current state of the electronics integration with the new mechanics carried out at INAF-OATs. It also focuses on the ELT-based software and hardware solutions that have been adopted to meet the performance and safety requirements for the motorized functions that control the multiobject spectroscopy blades and the scientific exposure shutter and require customized applications.