Author Affiliations +
J. Brunet,1,2 C. L. Walsh,1 P. Tafforeau,2 H. Dejea,2 A. C. Cook,1 A. Bellier,3 K. Engel,4 Danny D. Jonigk,5,6 M. Ackermann,6,7,8 P. D. Lee1,9
1Univ. College London (United Kingdom)
2ESRF - The European Synchrotron (France)
3Univ. Grenoble Alpes (France)
4Siemens Healthineers (Germany)
5German Ctr. for Lung Research (DZL) (Germany)
6Aachen Univ. (Germany)
7Univ. Witten/Herdecke (Germany)
8Univ. Medical Ctr. of the Johannes Gutenberg–Univ. Mainz (Germany)
9Research Complex at Harwell (United Kingdom)