In order to improve the performance of multi-frame blind deconvolution algorithm, the analysis was conducted on the image restoration quality and convergence rate of the multi-frame blind deconvolution algorithm using Conjugate Gradient + Brent, Conjugate Gradient + Dbrent, Conjugate Gradient + Macopt, and L-BFGS + Wolfe combination optimization algorithms. The mathematical principles of above optimization algorithms were elaborated in detail, and they were introduced into the multi-frame blind deconvolution algorithm to achieve high quality restored images. Theoretical and experimental results indicate that the L-BFGS + Wolfe combination algorithm has the fastest convergence rate, but the restoration quality is lower compared to the other combination algorithms; Compared with the other combination algorithms, the Conjugate Gradient + Brent/Dbrent combination algorithm can obtain higher quality restored images, but its convergence rate is slower; The convergence rate and restoring quality of the Conjugate Gradient +Macopt combination algorithm are between L-BFGS + Wolfe and Conjugate Gradient + Brent/Dbrent.