26 August 2024 Imaging evaluation of low reflectivity low-n EUV mask for LS at 0.33NA
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Mask stacks comprising of alternative absorber materials with various optical properties (n and k values) may allow further improvements in EUV imaging. In a strive towards dose reduction and advancement of resolution limits in EUV lithography, such masks are brought up for consideration. In this work, we evaluate a novel low-n absorber mask with a low EUV absorber reflectivity for dark field Line/Space (LS) printing and compare it to a traditional Ta-based absorber mask. For the novel low-n mask, we experimentally confirm the reflectivity vs. the Ta-based reference mask. Through simulations and experiments at 0.33 numerical aperture (NA), we evaluate the LS imaging performance in terms of best focus through pitch. At the anchor LS pitch 28nm, we report the exposure latitude and the Mask Error Enhancement Factor (MEEF) and compare these metrics to the imaging performance of a Ta-based mask. This work adds understanding to the patterning benefits and limitations of alternative absorber mask stacks in the case of Metal direct print applications.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Tatiana Kovalevich, Nick Pellens, Guillaume Libeert, Lieve Van Look, and Vicky Philipsen "Imaging evaluation of low reflectivity low-n EUV mask for LS at 0.33NA", Proc. SPIE 13177, Photomask Japan 2024: XXX Symposium on Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology, 131770O (26 August 2024);
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Extreme ultraviolet

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