26 August 2024 Make a core engine ready to empower high quality multi-beam mask writer for N2 node and beyond
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High numerical aperture extreme ultraviolet (High NA EUV) lithography and the support of computational lithography are enabling the race towards smaller nodes. An important tool empowering this trend is the multi-beam mask writer (MBMW). Its most prominent component is the so-called BLC (blanking-chip): a MEMS processed CMOS chip determining writing speed and precision. This paper describes the innovative MEMS process on the post processing of such a BLC. Key features of the blanking-chip are 590k apertures and electrode pairs within an area of <15x15mm2. The strict requirement on performance and cleanness of the chip on the comparably large area makes the MEMS process challenging. Intensive analysis and optimized MEMS process make the 590k-BLC with >99.95% of all apertures and electrodes being clean and defect free. Additionally, other crucial performances such as crosstalk and blanking angle have met the required specification. The 590k-BLC was qualified in the MBMW-301 ALPHA. Comparing it to the latest MBMW-201 generation, optical performances of image plane curvature and aberration blur of the beams are decreased by 31% and 41%, respectively. The curvy pattern shows 30% improvement of the fidelity thanks to 15nm of spatial resolution and 20% reduction of line edge roughness (LER). The throughput improves 50% on the same writing mode. These results indicate that MBMW-301 with the core engine 590k-BLC is ready to be introduced into development and mass production of advanced nodes.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Patrick P. W. Lee, Peter J. Y. Chang, Frankie F. G. Tsai, Harry C. Y. Ku, Min-Da Cheng, Joey J. Y. Wang, M. J. Lii, Jacqueline Atanelov, Anh-Dai Dang, and Samuel Kvasnica "Make a core engine ready to empower high quality multi-beam mask writer for N2 node and beyond", Proc. SPIE 13177, Photomask Japan 2024: XXX Symposium on Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology, 131770T (26 August 2024);
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