26 August 2024 Beyond EUV binary and phase shift masks simulation
Naoki Hayase, Tetsuo Harada
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Beyond Extreme Ultraviolet (BEUV) lithography is expected to be used for high volume manufacturing of 1 nm node process at 6.7 nm wavelength. In this report, we simulate the optical design of BEUV photomask coatings, including BEUV multilayer mirrors, capping layers, and absorbers to use the shorter wavelength from 13.5 nm as the current EUV lithography to 6.7 nm. The simulation illustrates the expected materials of each layer, in terms of reflectivity, effective reflection plane, and phase shift. We estimate the requirements of BEUV mask design with multilayer and absorber thickness dependence as binary and phase shift masks in order to minimize the mask 3D effect. The result suggests that the phase shift mask is suitable to achieve the superior optical resolution and requires the architecture with the shallower depth of the effective reflection plane compared to EUV. This work has demonstrated the optimal mask conditions as the first generation of BEUV photomasks.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Naoki Hayase and Tetsuo Harada "Beyond EUV binary and phase shift masks simulation", Proc. SPIE 13177, Photomask Japan 2024: XXX Symposium on Photomask and Next-Generation Lithography Mask Technology, 1317711 (26 August 2024);
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Binary data

Phase shifts

Extreme ultraviolet


Refractive index


EUV mask polarization effects
Proceedings of SPIE (September 26 2019)
Phase-shifting effect of thin-absorber EUV masks
Proceedings of SPIE (October 13 2011)

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