11 December 2024 Analysis of ancillary services for electric energy processing to address systemic uncertainty
Zhongfei Chen, GuoBing Wu, En Lu, Kai Dong, Yue Zhao, Qiuna Cai, Qiaoyu Zhang, Zijun Liang, Jue Yu, Chuan Liu, Wentao Zou
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Proceedings Volume 13445, International Conference on Electronics, Electrical and Information Engineering (ICEEIE 2024); 134452Q (2024)
Event: International Conference on Electronics. Electrical and Information Engineering (ICEEIE 2024), 2024, Haikou, China
With the proposal of the strategic goal of "carbon peak, carbon neutral", the power supply side of China's power system is shifting from being dominated by thermal power units to being dominated by new energy units, and the intermittency and volatility of a high proportion of new energy sources have greatly increased the uncertainty of the power system, so that frequency, demand and ramping play an important role in guaranteeing the balance of supply and demand in the power grid, as active auxiliary services to satisfy the grid uncertainty. They play an important role in guaranteeing the balance between supply and demand of the power grid. Under the profound change of power system structure, it is necessary to further sort out the positioning, function and models of each auxiliary service, study the difference and connection between these three types of auxiliary services, and then clarify the difference between these three types of auxiliary services, taking into account the development and change of the power system. In addition, the impact of these three types of auxiliary services is analysed in the light of the changes in grid resources in the context of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and relevant suggestions are made for subsequent auxiliary service demand measurement.
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Zhongfei Chen, GuoBing Wu, En Lu, Kai Dong, Yue Zhao, Qiuna Cai, Qiaoyu Zhang, Zijun Liang, Jue Yu, Chuan Liu, and Wentao Zou "Analysis of ancillary services for electric energy processing to address systemic uncertainty", Proc. SPIE 13445, International Conference on Electronics, Electrical and Information Engineering (ICEEIE 2024), 134452Q (11 December 2024);
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