13 December 2024 Experimental demonstration of MWP radar in urban background based on MWP generated signal and electronic receiving link
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Proceedings Volume 13502, AOPC 2024: AI in Optics and Photonics; 135020O (2024)
Event: Applied Optics and Photonics China 2024 (AOPC2024), 2024, Beijing, China
This paper presents the experimental demonstrations of LFMCW radar system based on microwave photonics generated radar signal and electronic receiving link. In the transmitting section of the radar, the seed signal given by DDS with relative low frequency and relative narrow bandwidth is designed with tunable signal wave forms, which can afford the system with different time-width and bandwidth. After the microwave photonics electro-optic modulation and photoelectric transformation system, the seed signal will be transformed into the radar signal by 4 times with the frequency carried and instantaneous bandwidth. In the receiving part of the radar, the electronic dechirping method is carried out to down convert the radar echo signal instead of microwave photonics approach. After electronic ADC, the ranging data is processed. The experiments towards to the cooperative UAV target are carried out in urban background. The true data about the longitude, latitude and the flight height of the UAV is sent to the radar from the UAV, and the data is used to guide the radar to detect the UAV’s range. A typical radar wave forms 4GHz bandwidth and 20ms pulse width is operated through the system. The experimental demonstration by protocol type has been shown, and the experimental results show that the range of frequency modulated continuous wave radar based on this system can reach 1 km for target with RCS 0.01m2 (DJI).
(2024) Published by SPIE. Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Shuguang Li, Kaisi Guo, Kaili Qin, Lele Zhu, Yipeng Shi, Zhenbin Lv, and Wenbin Lu "Experimental demonstration of MWP radar in urban background based on MWP generated signal and electronic receiving link", Proc. SPIE 13502, AOPC 2024: AI in Optics and Photonics, 135020O (13 December 2024);
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Radar signal processing

Radar sensor technology

Signal generators

Microwave photonics

Unmanned aerial vehicles




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