1 November 1990 The response of multilayer dielectric coatings to low fluence ultraviolet light exposure
V. E. Sanders
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Multilayer dielectric high-reflectance coatings were investigated for potential application in a high-average-power, 1-1.1m wavelength, free-electron laser oscillator. Of concern are the ultra- violet harmonics of the primary wavelength generated within the oscillator that tend to degrade the dielectric coatings. These coatings are required to be high reflecting and low absorbing with respect to the 1-µm wavelength and resist degradation/damage from the ultraviolet harmonics.
© (1990) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
V. E. Sanders "The response of multilayer dielectric coatings to low fluence ultraviolet light exposure", Proc. SPIE 1438, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials 1989, 14381H (1 November 1990);
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