1 June 1991 Development and implementation of MIS-36477 laser damage certification of designator optical components
David W. Mordaunt, Daniel E. Nieuwsma
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This paper describes the development and implementation of MIS-36477 a Missile Specification for laser damage certification of designator optical components. This MIS is the first official government specification issued for laser damage testing of optics for military laser systems. We describe the history behind the development of laser damage testing for military systems and the gradual emergence of standards for this type of test. The necessity of a standard for laser damage testing was clearly indicated by the inability to correlate results from different test facilities1''2. The development ofde facto standards within the industry is discussed along with the rationale behind the generation of this particular specification. The MIS is described in detail and it is clear that considerably more than just a fluence level and laser parameters need to be defined to have a thorough and widely applicable specification.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
David W. Mordaunt and Daniel E. Nieuwsma "Development and implementation of MIS-36477 laser damage certification of designator optical components", Proc. SPIE 1441, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1990, (1 June 1991);
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Laser induced damage

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