1 June 1991 Multiple-pulse damage of BK-7 glass
Kunio Yoshida, Hiroshi Yoshida, T. Noda, Sadao Nakai
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High-power glass laser systems for laser fusion use many BK-i glasses and the laser-induced damage of this glass is a serious problem. Since the BK-i glass is generally melted in platinum (Pt) crucibles the laser damage due to metallic Pt particles occurs inside the glass. The Pt particles cause fractures when irradiated at a fluence higher than 3 J/cm with 1064 nm 15 ns laser pulse. The size of the fracture increases with irradiation fluence and the damaged glass has to be replaced. In special cases BK-i glass is melted in ceramic crucibles but there is a problem of cristobalite production inside the BK-i glass. The laser damage threshold of cristobalite is about 4. 5-5. 5 JIcm with 1064 nni 15 ns laser pulse. We have found average damaged particles in BK-i glasses melted in Pt and ceramic crucibles to be 200-400 and 10 particles per liter respectively. At present laser damage in BK-i glass is being improved by changing a composition ratio of melting materials.
© (1991) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kunio Yoshida, Hiroshi Yoshida, T. Noda, and Sadao Nakai "Multiple-pulse damage of BK-7 glass", Proc. SPIE 1441, Laser-Induced Damage in Optical Materials: 1990, (1 June 1991);
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Laser induced damage


Pulsed laser operation

High power lasers


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